2024 Membership Dues Invoices Have Been Mailed! Call (260) 482-2916 if you have questions or need directions to pay by credit card.

It’s Time to Ask the Questions No One Has Asked You Before!

As you could probably notice, there hasn’t been any promotion on the Summit Celebration after the nomination deadline, and the reason why is that there were only a handful of nominations received. With the lack of nominations, the Summit Celebration has cancelled for this year. With cancelling one of our most attended events, it has brought up several questions regarding what AAFW-NEI members want and value in our association.

We are asking you to be completely transparent and answer potentially difficult questions about what your company wants out of YOUR membership in the AAFW-NEI. We could tip toe around these questions and be less direct, but in order for our association to grow and flourish – there are some thought-provoking questions that The Board of Directors need the answers to. It’s not a secret that COVID has stunted the growth of the AAFW-NEI by not being able to meet and hold our educational courses in person. Help us rebound by answering these very important questions - scan the QR code found in the OnSite to be directed to our MailChimp survey or copy & paste the following address in your browser - https://us11.list-manage.com/survey?u=1ea1ccab90bc4a36497b54ab1&id=e41ed461f9&attribution=false 

Here are questions that come to mind ...

  • You’ve paid your membership and we are grateful, but your company representatives are not involved by attending meetings, education or events. Why?
  • We have Breakfast, Luncheon & Evening Social events planned for 2022. We understand that everyone isn’t available to attend all events, so that is why we are switching it up. Do you have any feedback on the change? Does it make you more likely to not attend any of the meetings?
  • Do you want to be engaged and attend AAFW-NEI events? Much like when I was in the PTA – there were parents who paid their PTA dues but never intended to volunteer or be involved. If that is the case, then just let us know. We measure success of events & education by attendance; however, if your company isn’t interested in attending, are there other services that we could offer with your membership that you would value more?
  • Are you experiencing any challenges at your community or business that the AAFW-NEI can assist with? We have a huge network of members that may be experiencing the same challenges that you are – could we help connect you to others?
  • How many emails would you prefer to receive when it comes to a meeting notice? There have been times that we have sent 5 or 6 emails and received responses on the last email. Are those emails driving you crazy or are they are great follow-up tool for you to register closer to the deadline?
  • You get tons and tons of emails from the AAFW-NEI – that’s the method that we currently use and use frequently. Would you prefer a different type of communication? Do you want to see less emails or just a weekly email?
  • This is probably the most important question – are you receiving the value that you expect from your membership? If that answer is “no” then we need to talk and see how you can utilize your membership more to your advantage!

These are some complex questions and we are seeking your HONEST feedback. We strive to offer ALL of our members with opportunities to network, learn and engage with each other.

Please answer these questions as open and honest as you can. You havea choice to be a member and we want to stack the deck so you and your company WANT to be a member and VALUE your membership.

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