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Help Guide the AAFW-NEI Share Your Talents - Run for the Board of Directors This October!

Help Guide the AAFW-NEI

Share Your Talents - Run for the Board of Directors This October!

The AAFW-NEI Board of Directors is the perfect opportunity to grow as a professional, build your peer network, and give back

to the rental industry by leading and guiding the resources and services that the Association provides within the membership, as well as the community. We celebrated our 40th year in 2019, and if you want to be a part of the next 40 years, now is a perfect

opportunity to a part of the leadership. The AAFW-NEI has experiences challenges similar to many of your businesses and communities during the pandemic, and we are looking forward to working together for the better of all of the AAFW-NEI members.

What positions are available? 4 Regular Members & 1 Associate Member

Who can be a candidate for the Board of Directors?

  • Members that have been involved in the multi-family industry for at least one year.
  • Members that are employed with an AAFW-NEI member company in good standing.
  • Members that have been involved and supported at least one area of the Association, such as recruiting new members, serving on committees, attending educational seminars and workshops, and any other voluntary participation.

What else should I consider? The position on the Board of Directors is a volunteer position, and does require a time commitment above and beyond your full-time position. If you would like more information on the time commitment, please feel free to contact any of the Board of Directors  or contact Peggy Meyer, Executive Director

When is the election? The 2020 Nominating Committee will submit names of candidates to serve on the AAFW-NEI Board of Directors for the 2020-2021 term at the October 16th Annual Meeting.

I’m interested, what’s the next step? Please contact the AAFW-NEI office for the one page nomination form  A member of the nomination committee will contact you regarding additional any additional information that is needed. Nominations will be accepted up-to the day of the elections and from the floor during the meeting. Any nomination forms submitted to the Association office by September 6th will be included in the October 2020 OnSite.

Nomination Committee

Debra Crews, Willow Creek Crossing - Debra@willowcreekcrossing.net

Nick Kreischer, Canterbury Green - nkreischer@goldoller.com

Angela Rose, Perry Law Office - angie@perryoffice.net

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